html> Breathe Easy: Chronicles of Sampson.

Chronicles of Sampson.

         Sampson is something else. I feel like one of those moms who says their kid is just the best, smartest, most athletic- meanwhile  everyone else is smiling along acting as if they agree, when they want to call bullshit. But I am serious when I say Sammy is the best. He isn't the smartest- he actually is pretty dopey, but it is part of his charm. He is obsessed with people… but mostly me. Like, to the point where he can't be without me or he will have a panic attack. Privacy while you are showering? HA, yeah right. He guards the door like someone is going to try to barge in. Going to the bathroom… I forget what it was like being alone during that time. I feel like I have a child. I sort of do. He yells at me… I mean literally its a barking/screech telling me I haven't been as attentive to his needs. I lay on the bed… he jumps up and sits on my face. He also thinks he is a lap dog and lays on top of me, not understanding that he is going to one day be massive... like 120lbs.
        It's kinda endearing. Today, Adam and Sampson walked me to our car so we had some more time together before we both went to work (I work from 9-5 and A works from 10-10 so are time is very limited). I arrived to the car, said my good-byes and headed to work. I heard sam barking a bit when I got in the car, but that was usually what he did whenever I left his side, so I plugged my phone in, turned the music on, and left. I pulled out of the lot and noticed Adam on the side walk with Sampson, Sampson was having a melt down. I waved to A, but he didn't wave back. He called me later on in my drive to inform me that he had such a bad panic attack that I left, he refused to walk, was barking like a maniac, and tried chasing after cars thinking I was in them- so, Adam didn't want to wave and attract his attention towards me or he would have went a little more crazy. 
       But can you imagine the people walking by him during his meltdown? Good lord. 
I read that German Shepherds were a one person dog, but I didn't realize to this extent. I love him so, so much regardless of his clingyness. He is just too cute. You should follow his instagram (yes, he has an instagram) because its awesome @SampsonTheShepherd 

Here is a lil preview….

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